Locksmith Chatsworth
Locksmith Chatsworth
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818-661-1194 818-661-1194


We offer emergency car lockout services and support

Here are things you can do to resolve lock repair and maintenance issues.

Make lock change worth the effort

When you are having the locks replaced, make sure of two things: first, pick the right security door locks since not all locks are suitable for all homes and neighborhoods and, second, our experts in Chatsworth insist on being extra careful with lock installation.

Avoid a house lockout

People get locked out of their homes because they forget their keys or exit their house without them. Keep your keys in your pocket even if you step out for a second and trust them to a neighbor to have immediate assistance during a house lockout.

Make sure the replacement key is well cut

If the new key replacement is not cut properly, it won't fit in the lock. You might get locked outside your home or won't be able to secure the door locks. Try the key before it's time to lock the door to replace it again.

Get plenty of key duplicates

Having plenty of key duplicates for your house and office is prudent. It's best to keep an extra house key in every bag or in the office and an extra office key in the house. Don't keep keys in the car especially if you park the vehicle outside. Also, make sure the key replacement is done properly.

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Tips | Locksmith Chatsworth, CA